Our services for Hospitality
A creative studio and material expertise at your service to assist you in the realization of your projects and turn your customers’ dreams into reality.

Our products for Hospitality
bespoke decorative pieces for rooms to meet your aesthetic and functional needs (soap dish, bud vase, furniture, mirrors, chandeliers…)
tableware for the food & beverage world (tea time displays, tea boxes, banquet displays, butter dish…)
bespoke artistic pieces in collaboration with your marketing and events team to enhance the universe of your space (murals, sculptures, cabinets of curiosities)
Material expertise
We master and combine exceptional materials such as glass, wood, metal and feathers with bold originality, integrating them harmoniously and uniquely into your universe.
Creative studio
As your artistic and technical partner, our creative studio will assist you with passion and enthusiasm in your experimentation, design, modeling, prototyping and manufacturing processes.